Parched pages seeking purpose find worthy cause after meeting the pen of this ready writer. Like a lit match striking a blank sheet dampened by flammable potential and sparking with possibilities. Combustion takes place , simple characters become words, and words become phrases that permeate the mind , quicken ones spirit and cheers the heart.
New Releases
Pen Of A Ready Writer Vol.1
A Compilation Of Poetry, Thoughts, and Ideas: The by-product of experiences, maturity, and enlightenment. This book starts off with my self-evaluation and segues into an ink well of blood, sweat and tears. Tethered together are poems that I did not choose to write; rather, these poems chose to write me.
What do you do when you’ve been trying to identify yourself through the pre-dominant figure you see? Only to realize later that you’ve become a product of your environment and unfortunately, they did not get stocked up on the upper echelons of society, No, they get stamped in processing through the correctional system or stored underground in pine boxes for safe keeping. When you thought your barrier for entry into the workforce was your criminal record, only to realize you’ve been an illegal alien all your life! When you’re out on bond for your 6th charge for gun possession, license suspended, partner in crime deported, “sitting on” half a kilo of cocaine and two cell phones blowing up with wholesale and retail clients. Well, what do you do? How do you do it? Svens N. Télémaque leads readers through his abandonment of Miami’s majestic palm trees and craved weather to the perennial evergreen and Montreal’s bitter cold.